
Top 5 Ranked Products: Which Which Brands Think You’re Stupid?

Learn how to spot a female hormone supplement that can actually deliver, and which supplements you can SKIP...

This website is operated by Rejuvica Health

About this site:

If you're dealing with hormone imbalance as a woman, you're not alone. Female imbalance is a common concern, impacting a significant portion of the population.

Hormone health is something you want to take seriously! It's crucial to take precautions and support your hormone health through proper care and lifestyle choices.

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Female hormone problems can have serious consequences. If you're concerned about your hormone health, we recommend adopting a hormone-friendly lifestyle and consulting with a healthcare professional.

The Bad News: Imbalance usually doesn't resolve on its own and can worsen over time if left unchecked.

The Good News: With the right female support products and a balanced approach, you can support your hormone health. We'll explain how shortly, but first, let's explore the causes and risk factors.

Female hormone imbalance, often caused by factors like aging, poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of exercise or certain medical conditions, can significantly impact your overall well-being. The endocrine system plays a vital role in hormone health, making it essential to address any concerns promptly.

We at Rejuvica, through our experience in the industry believe there is certainly a difference in the quality of products out there, and we think everyone should consider this before buying. After a review of the market, and discovering a lack of what we believe to be the right combination of herbs, vitamins, and essential co-factors to support hormone health we decided to go out and formulate our own.* With our expertise, we've evaluated other products against our formulation it to help you identify the best choice.

We hope you can use this site to make an informed choice about your female balance health and find a product that WORKS for you.

How do you pick the best female balance support supplement?

Key Ingredients

Prioritize products that include the essential “trio” of ingredients: Maca, Dong Quai, and Black Cohosh.

Liquid Delivery Method

It's Rejuvica's opinion that a liquid delivery method with its long history of use and better absorption is preferable. Also, liquids are easy to take and don't require you to swallow another pill. Finally, it is a reminder to stay hydrated!

Brand Analysis

Strong Guarantee

Seek brands that offer a money-back guarantee as it demonstrates confidence in the product. Be cautious of guarantees that only apply to unopened bottles – our guarantee covers even fully used products.

24/7 Customer Support

Look for brands with 24-hour customer support to ensure assistance is available when you need it, reinforcing their commitment to customer satisfaction.

Marketplace Insights:

In a market flooded with similar products, it's challenging to find standouts. We've done the research, and our formulation stands as the top choice among the competition.

Top 5 Ranked Support Products This Year

A Breakdown of Balanced Femme

Yellow Crown Yellow Crown Yellow Crown Yellow Crown Yellow Crown


Overall Grade

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  • PROS:

  • Check Mark

    Advanced Innovative Formula: Formulated after extensive market research and guided by strict ingredient criteria.

  • Check Mark

    Liquid Deliverability: Easy-to-consume liquid formula.

  • Check Mark

    Zero-Risk Customer-Centric: User-friendly website, robust money-back guarantee, and 24/7 customer support.

  • Check Mark

    Positive Feedback: High user satisfaction and positive reviews.

  • Check Mark

    Great Taste: Enjoyable earthy flavor with a sweet aftertaste. No need for extra beverages.

  • Check Mark

    Travel-Friendly Assurance: Compliant with airline regulations, with a compact size of under 2 ounces.

  • CONS:

  • X Mark

    Out of stock frequently

Key Takeaways:

Balanced Femme stands as the premier female balance support supplement, despite its recent market entry. Our formulation, backed by rigorous research and "Big 3" ingredient criteria, ensures excellence.

We prioritize liquid formulas for convenience and maintain customer-centric practices with a user-friendly website, straightforward money-back guarantee, and 24/7 customer support.

Glowing user feedback solidifies Balanced Femme as a top choice. Its appealing earthy-sweet flavor eliminates the need for extra drinks, and the convenient dropper design ensures portability.

Ingredient list: Chasteberry, Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Wild Yam, Maca Root, Red Raspberry Leaf.

A Breakdown of Grandma's Herbs

Yellow Crown Yellow Crown Yellow Crown Yellow Crown Gray Crown


Overall Grade

Key Takeaways:

Grandma's Herbs takes our #2 spot as a support supplement because it has great ingredients. However, this formula uses the traditional and less efficient capsule delivery method, does not come with an unconditional money-back guarantee, and does not offer 24-hour customer support.

First, Grandma's Herbs impressed us with its formula because they used all-natural herbs without any unnatural ‘fillers’ in their capsules. Unfortunately, even without fillers, the capsule delivery method does not absorb as quickly as liquid supplements.

Grandma's Herbs does come with a money-back guarantee if you return the product unopened within 14 days, which means you can’t try the product and return it if you’re unsatisfied. The benefit of an unconditional money-back guarantee is that it offers you a chance to try multiple products risk-free, but if you must return the product unopened, it defeats the purpose.

While Grandma's Herbs failed to meet our standards with regards to customer satisfaction and service, it does have a fairly comprehensive formula. If you prefer capsules to liquids for whatever reason, and are aware of St. John’s Wort’s potential risks and side effects, this might be the product for you.

A Breakdown of SM Nutrition

Yellow Crown Yellow Crown Yellow Crown Gray Crown Gray Crown


Overall Grade

Key Takeaways:

SM Nutrition takes our #3 spot. The formula is good and includes a money-back guarantee. However, this product utilizes the slower capsule delivery method, and the company does not offer 24-hour customer support.

We were surprised to find that this formula does not contain chasteberry. It does contain Wild Yam, which has been used for women’s reproductive health for a long time. SM Nutrition also contains some nutrients like Vitamin B-12 and CoQ10. These ingredients may have been added for an energy boost.

This supplement comes in capsule form rather than a liquid delivery method. We prefer liquids for good reason: faster absorption.

Unfortunately, SM Nutrition does not contain an adaptogenic herb.

If you prefer capsules to liquids for whatever reason, SM Nutrition does come with a money-back guarantee if you’re unsatisfied. For the above reasons, SM Nutrition takes the #3 spot as a recommended menopause-support supplement.

A Breakdown of Women’s Mena & Meno

Yellow Crown Yellow Crown Gray Crown Gray Crown Gray Crown


Overall Grade

Key Takeaways:

Women’s Mena & Meno Balance Formula takes our #4 spot because it only contains three of four preferred ingredients, utilizes the traditional and slower capsule delivery method, and does not offer 24-hour customer support or an unconditional money-back guarantee.

The formula does not include an adaptogenic herb.

Secondly, the product utilizes a caplet form instead of a liquid form. If you’ve ever taken herbal supplements in caplet form before, you probably know all about those nasty ‘burps’ that come along with them. For some people this isn’t an issue, but it’s something to consider.

Next, we were disappointed to discover that this product does not offer a money-back guarantee if you opened the bottle. To us, this defeats the purpose of a money-back guarantee, which should be offered so the customer can try the product risk-free and get their money back if they’re unsatisfied.

And for the above reasons, we gave Mena & Meno Balance Formula our #4 spot as a recommended menopause-support supplement.

A Breakdown of BestWomen’s Formula

Yellow Crown Gray Crown Gray Crown Gray Crown Gray Crown


Overall Grade

Key Takeaways:

Women’s Mena & Meno Balance Formula takes our #4 spot because it only contains three of four preferred ingredients, utilizes the traditional and slower capsule delivery method, and does not offer 24-hour customer support or an unconditional money-back guarantee.

The formula does not include an adaptogenic herb.

Secondly, the product utilizes a caplet form instead of a liquid form. If you’ve ever taken herbal supplements in caplet form before, you probably know all about those nasty ‘burps’ that come along with them. For some people this isn’t an issue, but it’s something to consider.

Next, we were disappointed to discover that this product does not offer a money-back guarantee if you opened the bottle. To us, this defeats the purpose of a money-back guarantee, which should be offered so the customer can try the product risk-free and get their money back if they’re unsatisfied.

And for the above reasons, we gave Mena & Meno Balance Formula our #4 spot as a recommended menopause-support supplement.

Resources that may be helpful to our readers*

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  • We are committed to providing you with accurate and up-to-date information so you can make an informed choice when it comes to your health.

  • If you find anything on this site to be in error and in need of update or correction, please email us here: help@rejuvica.com.